Pictogram Printouts

These little beasts have been a pain. If illustrator was a little more like photoshop, it'd be a breeze. I tend to find the process more like trying to suck a gorgeous little red gummy bear through a flimsy stupid soda straw. I won't get that warm happy feeling until the blasted thing gets done. I also may end up punching the crap out of the straw so the little punk will move faster. Maybe I can liquidize... wait I'm way off topic here.

So apparently I went with the monkey idea, though obviously only one could be really "crappy" (see last post). That meant the other two had to be something else, though they turned out kinda cruddy as well. The feedback was good in class and I should be able to get a more recognizable final product at some point.

And if it doesn't turn out that way, ask around til you find out what they are supposed to mean and PRETEND YOU KNEW. It'll make me a happy panda.